Tebis is well known as a premium CAD/CAM and MES software company that offers advanced solutions for model, pattern, die and mould making as well as mechanical component manufacturing.
The best CNC machining practices of a company can be built into the software’s library database which can then be shared and reused for daily operations. This helps optimise use of machine capacities and cutting tools as well as optimise machining processes and machining parameters.
For CNC programming, Tebis uses virtual machines for toolpath calculations in addition to cutting tools, tool holders and machine tool heads. Virtual machine geometry information and machine tool axis limits are included for toolpath calculations. Besides ensuring machining safety, it is possible to see if a toolpath angle can be achieved on the machine during CNC programming. Tebis will not allow creation of a toolpath which is not achievable in reality.
Tebis’ clamping device library represents all common devices for fixing parts in the machining process. From the screwless vice to clamps and chucks, all common clamping devices can now be easily managed in a library and quickly used for realistic simulation and collision checking.
In the CAD/CAM model, the precise clamping position can be exactly aligned, zero point and conventional clamping systems represented, and all assembly possibilities checked. This increases productivity and profitability by saving time on job setup and avoiding costly incorrect clamping and fixturing on the shopfloor.
The CAM software cutting tool library not only stores cutting tool geometry shape information, but also advanced machining parameters grouped for different materials, different tools and toolholders, different machine tools as well as different machining processes. Tebis’ cutting tool library stores comprehensive machining parameter types such as corner feed rates, stepdown feed rates, machining depth, machining width and coolant options in addition to conventional machining parameters.
The cutting tool library is capable of storing exact geometries of cutting tools, toolholders and intermediate toolholders and can validate the assembly. This ensures these elements used by the CAM users are correct and available on the shopfloor.
With the cloud-based environment, Tebis has the master tool library sitting on a cloud central server which is managed by the administrator to ensure consistent use among all users even across different work shifts and sites.
Tebis’ Geometry Feature library recognises geometry data within CAD models. Once recognised, Tebis assigns some basic attributes, then, it can start to add predefined machining operations to machine the geometries in the CAM programming process.
With Geometry Feature library, Tebis automatically detects and assigns features to the geometries and automatically groups features for machining. In addition to working with ruled geometries, Tebis software also recognises freeform geometries and carries out feature-based NC programming. Features are not limited to the usual 2.5D type features such as holes and a slots. Tebis is also capable of dealing with 2D open features and freeform shapes.
Tebis NCSets are sets of predefined machining operations for individual geometry features. Once the NCSets are associated with geometry features, they can be used to machine entire groups of geometries with a single programming operation.
Tebis NCSets can be defined and optimised, then, shared among CAM engineers as database library. This means that new recruits will only need one or two weeks training.
CNC machining processes with series of toolpaths can be created, optimised and stored within Tebis’ library as templates. The predefined machining processes means that every time a new part is programmed, the surface quality and part accuracy is the same every time.
The automated programming also allows job knowledge to be retained within the company. If the business loses a key member of staff, the standards and strategies already developed are retained with Tebis libraries. This also means that if the company employs a new CAM engineer, the new recruit can produce parts to the company’s own existing standards rather than learning from scratch.
One of the key offerings of Tebis CAD/CAM is Digital Twin for optimised CNC machining. With the manufacturing database structure at the core, all key elements of customers’ manufacturing environments can be built into libraries as one to one Digital Twins the same as the physical objects on the shopfloor.
Tebis (UK) www.tebis.com
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