Learn about how next-generation production monitoring delivers insight into unattended operations.
About the presentation Unattended operations are the holy grail for today’s precision manufacturers. Running computer numerical control (CNC) machines without needing additional workers means more output for the factory. The downside is events can happen when no one’s around, and without an observer, it becomes an exercise in sleuthing to determine the cause for issues and stoppages. Unfortunately, first-generation production monitoring requires operator input to provide context around machine downtime and interruptions in production. When operators are required to enter reason codes to deliver understanding about machine states, manufacturers implementing unattended shifts are blind to a lot of issues that happen when nobody’s watching the machines. Next-generation production monitoring systems offer the perfect solution. By connecting to CNC machines and using the data directly from machine controllers, next-gen production monitoring solutions use machine learning to make sense of data in real time. Now, manufacturers can see what happened in an unattended shift for every part produced and downtime or stoppage that occurred. In this session, attendees will learn how next-gen production monitoring delivers insight into unattended operations, including the ability to monitor production in real time.
Meet your presenter Greg McHale founded Datanomix on the premise that the 4th industrial revolution would require turnkey products that integrate seamlessly with how manufacturers work today. He brings enterprise data skills to a market ripe for innovation. McHale held engineering leadership positions at several venture-backed companies and is a graduate of Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
About the company Founded in 2016 in New Hampshire, Datanomix offers automated production intelligence for precision manufacturers. When we started Datanomix, we met with dozens of manufacturers who were trying to use data from their equipment to optimize operations. Not one company was getting what they wanted out of their existing monitoring systems ? information was either too complicated and cumbersome, or too simple and not insightful. To add insult to injury, the user interfaces on those systems made it look like those companies just didn’t understand manufacturers. Based on their input, we built a system that was designed with a few key principles:
? The system would require no human input for the data to be useful
? The information provided by the system would be actionable right now
? The system should be a “member” of your team, capable of providing answers and insights in the way you think about your business
777-200ER marks 10-year anniversary of ecoDemonstrator program.
Boeing unveiled its 2022 ecoDemonstrator with a livery that honors a decade of testing to reduce fuel use, emissions, and noise. The latest ecoDemonstrator, a Boeing-owned 777-200ER (Extended Range), will test about 30 new technologies aimed at improving sustainability and safety for the aerospace industry, including a water conservation system and technologies to improve operational efficiency.
"Boeing is committed to support our customers and enable the commercial aviation industry to meet our shared commitment to net zero carbon emissions by 2050," said Stan Deal, Boeing Commercial Airplanes president and CEO. "The ecoDemonstrator program's rigorous testing of new technologies further enhances the environmental performance of our products and services and is invaluable to continuously improving safety."
During six months of flight and ground tests starting this summer, the 2022 ecoDemonstrator will evaluate:
• In collaboration with NASA, SMART vortex generators – small vertical vanes on the wing – that improve aerodynamic efficiency during takeoff and landing
• A system to conserve onboard water and reduce weight as well as fuel use
• Additively manufactured airplane and engine parts to help reduce fuel use and manufacturing waste
• An environmentally preferred refrigerant and a new fire suppression agent to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
• A head-up, enhanced vision system for pilots to improve operational efficiency
• Continued comprehensive study of the impact of sustainable aviation fuel toward the reduction of emissions
• For all flight tests, the 777-200ER will fly on a highest approved blend of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) available
"The Boeing ecoDemonstrator program brings together the two most important ingredients to a more sustainable future – innovative technologies and partnerships with customers, suppliers, government agencies and academia," said Chris Raymond, Boeing chief sustainability officer. "We celebrate the past successes and look forward to continuing this iconic program to help decarbonize aviation, together."
Since its initial flights in 2012, the Boeing ecoDemonstrator program has accelerated innovation by taking new technologies out of the lab and testing them in an operational environment. Including this year's platform, the program has tested about 230 technologies to help decarbonize aviation, improve operational efficiency and enhance safety and the passenger experience. Approximately a third of tested technologies have progressed onto Boeing's products and services.
Learn how to use technology to fill the experience gap created by the machinist shortage.
About the presentation Manufacturing shops have been facing a shortage of experienced manufacturing professionals for years. While the push to develop additional paths through education and training is underway, what can shops do in the meantime to collect and protect their current machining expertise while meeting increasing demands for speed, quality, and innovation? One solution is adopting advances in technology to develop smarter machining processes. Advancements in manufacturing include verification, simulation, optimization, and more. These advancements have made it easier for shops to verify toolpaths, simulate machine movement to avoid crashes and unexpected behavior, and verify NC programs and feed rates. This ensures cuts are performed at optimal levels without breaking the cutter or causing undue wear – all without requiring NC programmers and machinists to have expert machining experience. The presentation explores the benefits of using software to establish "smarter" manufacturing processes and enable more quality production with fewer resources.
Meet your presenter Gene Granata, director of product management, joined CGTech in 1992. With more than 30 years of CNC manufacturing experience, Granata is responsible for planning development of CGTech’s flagship software product VERICUT and associated CAD/CAM and Tooling interfaces. Prior to his role as director of product management, he was the technical support manager. He wrote technical documentation, designed many general-purpose and customized training courses, and provided manufacturing consulting services to hundreds of companies in several industries.
About the company Headquartered in Irvine, California, CGTech specializes in numerical control (NC/CNC) simulation, verification, optimization, and analysis software technology for manufacturing. CGTech was founded in 1988. Since then, our main software product, VERICUT®, has become the industry standard. With offices worldwide, VERICUT software is used by companies of all sizes, universities/trade schools, and government agencies.
Second similar unit for Midwest United States customer, incorporates Level 2 automation.
Can-Eng Furnaces International Ltd. has recently been awarded a contract to deliver a second high-capacity Mesh Belt Heat Treatment Furnace line to a commercial heat treater in the Midwest United States. CAN-ENG completed commissioning of a 4,000lb/hr Mesh Belt Furnace System for this customer in 2020. With some run time on the new equipment, it was quickly realized that improvements in the CAN-ENG designs which include soft part handing, precision temperature + atmosphere control, energy efficiency and reduction in oil drag out not only were producing a higher quality part but doing so at a reduced operational costing.
This duplicate 4,000 lb/hr high-capacity Mesh Belt Furnace line is to be installed along side the previous furnace line in the recently expanded plant.
These custom engineered continuous atmosphere heat treating systems feature an increase in usable hearth area to provide high-volume processing when running products requiring carbon diffusion and lighter belt loading, as they will be used primarily for demanding processing including carbonitriding and carburizing. The furnaces are capable of a maximum throughput capacity of up to 4,000 lb/hr neutral hardening each.
Both furnace lines feature: a computerized controlled automated bin dumping and vibratory part feeder system, dunk and spray pre-washer, protective atmosphere-controlled mesh belt hardening system, oil quench, dunk and spray post wash system, forced recirculation temper furnace, in-line post cooling system, and CAN-ENG’s PETTM Level 2 SCADA system. By integrating CAN-ENG’s Level 2 Automation, the end user has access to vital tracking of products’ status, detailed process data for continuous process improvements, comprehensive equipment diagnostics, cost analysis, and inventory management which is required by many demanding customers.
CAN-ENG’s new line is the fifth CAN-ENG Mesh Belt Furnace line to be in operation at the facility.
Learn how smart technology such as RFID tool management and adaptive tool monitoring is changing the world of manufacturing.
About the presentation For this presentation, we’ll discuss the innovative technology and collective solutions changing the face of manufacturing. From RFID tool management to adaptive tool monitoring to automated tool compensation and offset adjustment, we’ll discuss the data-driven solutions available to optimize and automate each step of the manufacturing process. Some of the immediate benefits from implementing the technologies for discussion include process automation and unmanned operations, error elimination, setup and cycle time reduction, real-time monitoring of all tools, data analysis, and shop floor connectivity.
Meet your presenter In 1986, after working in the CNC machining industry for many years, President Rob Caron, (P.E.), identified a gap in the CNC tool monitoring and machine control market. He started his own company in the basement of his home to pursue the development of these conceptual technologies. Caron Engineering has a 12,000ft2 facility with more than 35 employees, and a dynamic product line of smart manufacturing solutions that are unmatched in the industry.
About the company At Caron Engineering, our mission is to transcend the industry standard by developing advanced sensor and monitoring technology to optimize performance, productivity, and profitability. As an employee-owned entity (ESOP), we work together to bring the best possible service and quality to our customers. It’s our goal to provide leading smart manufacturing solutions to reduce cycle times, promote unattended operation, drive down tooling costs, and minimize expensive damage to machines and work-holding. Our people are in the business of developing “Adaptive Solutions for the Future of Manufacturing” through strong leadership, foresight, and diligence. At Caron Engineering, innovation is what drives us.